Harness all your transactional data and shopper data to take the best assortment decisions, building on (but not blindly following) our A.I based recommendations

Optimize the assortment width
Strike the right balance in terms of assortment width thanks to a through analysis of the transactional and shopper data, enabling to understand the customer decision tree and break down each category into consumer need units, i.e groups of products addressing a similar consumer need. This approach can be personalized by store format or concept.
Build the optimal assortment
Define the optimal assortment (at sku level) at an operational level (national, regional, cluster..) that optimizes KPIs that are most important for you (value sales, volume sales, profit..), taking into account a personalized list of criteria that you choose, whether strategic (brands vs PLs, customer segments…), operational (% of movements, size of the box…) or tactical (weight of a given supplier…).
Negotiate assortments with suppliers
Simulate how assortment choices related to negotiations with suppliers (positive or negative scenarios) will impact your sales. Identify which delisting choices impact least your sales while rebalancing shares between suppliers in line with your negotiations choices.
Customize assortment by store
Analyze the specific sales and customer profile of each store and propose a fully customized version of assortment for each store. The deliverable can be either a straight assortment proposal customized by store or a proposal of picking / depicking of products vs. the assortment proposed by default for the store.
Monitor innovations
Monitor and benchmark the ramp-up and performance of new products, across a diverse set of KPIs (average weekly sales by store, penetration, repurchase…) and recommend the most suitable action: maintain, increase distribution, decrease distribution, stop.
Monitor assortment deployment and product availability / out of stock
Monitor the presence of each product in each store, its compliance with the contracted / expected distribution and take appropriate actions to correct non-desired discrepancies