Adopt a truly shopper-centric RGM approach to assortment and make the right trade-offs

Rank your assortment
Based on transactional & shopper data, and taking into your strategic and marketing priorities, set a clear ranking of your skus that can be used by your category managers and key account managers in order to prioritize the distribution of your sku portfolio in their contractual agreements with retailers
Run a shopper-based RGM optimization of your assortiment by retailer
Harness all your accessible data (internal sales and profit data, assortment distribution tracking, trade panel, home panel, shopper data…) and, taking into account your priorities and operational constraints, design the optimal assortment scenario for the total category and for your brands, at a given retailer. This optimization takes into account the complementarity and transfers between the category skus.
Make investment trade-offs between retailers
Based on the shopper-based RGM optimization of your assortment by retailer (see supra), consolidate in a single view different scenarios of assortment across retailers for the year ahead, taking into account the progress and prospects of your on-going negotiations. Compare the ROI of the different scenarios and make trade-offs in your negotiations and investments between retailers.
Monitor the execution level of your assortment contracts
Constantly track the execution by retailer (and group of stores by retailer) of your assortment agreement, identify distribution gaps, assess and prioritize the related opportunities
Reduce portfolio complexity
Based on transactional and shopper data, identify the complementarity and transfers between skus and assess complexity reduction scenarios in terms of sales and profitability impact, taking into account your sourcing/manufacturing/supply chain targets.